The terminology used here reflects local Australian usage, however, this terminology may vary from country to country and possibly company to company. A JSA is a Job Safety Analysis or a Job Safety Assessment or a Job Safety and Environment Analysys or….
Essentially it is a document that is used to reflect an assessment of the Safety Issues that apply to a particular site or operation, outline the risks or issues and define an approach which may include equipment prescription the mitigates the risks and issues. Typically, a JSA is specific to a site or operation and is prepared by a site supervisor. It may be a requirement that any person attending the site will be asked to sign or in some way acknowledge they have read the JSA and agree to comply with its requirements.
SWMS are a more generically recognised document being a Safe Work Method Statement. It is a statement of safe work practice associated with a particular operation. These are usually based on Standard agreed methods but may be amended on a job by job basis or indeed a specific operation basis.
TRA’s (Task Risk Analysis) or TSA (Task Safety Analysis or Assessment) are very similar to the two previous documents with the exception that these focus more on a very specific aspect of a Job Site.