by admin | Jun 8, 2011 | IPMGLOBAL
I’m sure most of us have heard of the KISS principle – Keep It Simple Stupid. It can be applied to almost every aspect of our lives and jobs and is especially important in project management software. Software is one of those complicated things where a consultant may...
by admin | May 26, 2011 | IPMGLOBAL
I know that this blog has often talked about the benefits of IPM and how they can help you manage your projects better, so we thought it might be a good idea to show you real world example of IPM in action. Last year, an Australian based civil construction company...
by admin | May 18, 2011 | IPMGLOBAL
Last week I came across a really interesting blog entry from Adeline Teoh, the editor of Looking back at project management as a profession over the last 30 years, the article talks about how there has been a paradigm shift in project management,...
by admin | May 12, 2011 | IPMGLOBAL
Since March, I’ve been keeping this blog updated from my new home for the next few months in Northern China. The internet and my laptop have been a godsend here, with the ability to remotely connect to my email and Microsoft Dynamics CRM in our offices in Australia,...
by admin | May 5, 2011 | IPMGLOBAL
First off, I have to admit that I actually came across the idea for this blog whilst I was catching up on the hype surrounding the royal wedding. I know you either love it or you hate it, but I admit that I tuned into BBC World News on Friday afternoon along with 3...
by admin | Apr 20, 2011 | IPMGLOBAL
We often encounter problems on a project, and sometimes even the best of project management practices isn’t able to avoid them. But we know there are also those other problems on a project that should never have arisen in the first place. Sometimes it comes down to...