9 reasons why IPM can help you manage your projects better

An investment in project management software can be a very big decision and one that is usually well researched and not to be taken lightly. Apart from the obvious consideration of the price, many other factors have to be taken into account to ensure you end up with...

New case study released – Civil Contractors Pty Ltd

We have recently been busy working with one of valued clients,Civil Contractors Pty Ltd, to put together a case study of their business background and experience using IPM Project Management. The case study gives a firsthand account of how IPM Project Management is...

Customise your software to find the right fit

When I was younger I used to do puzzles with my dad. One of the most hilarious things I remember him saying about puzzle making was to try the piece in a spot one way first, then twist it around to see if it fits another way, and if it still didn’t fit, ram it in with...